We are located in the Gulf of Urabá, corregimiento de San Francisco, on Caracolí beach, 200 meters from the pier, Municipality of Acandí, Department of Choco, Colombia.
We have a relatively mild climate, with an annual rainfall of 2950 mm. approximately and a relative humidity of the air of 85%, with average annual temperatures above 24°C. There is a well-defined dry season between the months of January to April with a strong breeze which makes the sea agitated and waves present; and a rainy season that lasts from May to December in which the sea is very calm and suitable for diving.
This region is one of the most humid on the planet, with a tropical jungle that is characterized by its proximity to the oceans. The flora of this region is considered among the most diverse, there is a great variety of reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals such as monkeys, howlers, white faces and titis that are very common to find during tours of the region, among others. . For all these reasons this place is considered a special management zone.